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更新时间:2010-05-28      阅读:2998


这种名叫Prototheca cutis的新水藻是科学家对一名日本患者的皮肤样本进行分析后发现的,他因接触这种水藻引起感染,身上出现溃疡。研究人员认为,除了南极洲以外,人们可能会在世界各地的土壤和水里发现P. cutis。因为这种微生物的生存能力很强,可在经过消毒的环境下(例如加氯消毒)幸存下来,它们在污水和家庭垃圾里繁衍生息,农村环境对它们的生存更加有利。

这名日本患者已经被成功治愈,他是目前已知的*一名P. cutis受害者。但是日本东京帝京大学的医学真菌学家、这项研究的槙村浩一认为,发现的这种水藻的行为,可能跟有害的微藻类一样。微藻类是在世界各地的水域里发现的单细胞有机体。

如果真是这样,P. cutis将能进入伤口(例如通过接触受污染的水),使人的胳膊、腿和脸上发炎,甚至产生溃疡。槙村浩一表示,这个过程非常缓慢,有时需要2周或者更长时间才能形成溃疡。他说,有报告称,在牛、鹿、狗和猫身上也见过类似的微藻类感染现象。



他表示,那些不治身亡的患者的感染情况更加严重。不过他说,世界上的大部分微藻类“都是无害的”,这种情况使新发现的P. cutis成为一种非常重要和具有吸引力的研究对象。


Int J Syst Evol Microbiol  DOI:10.1099/ijs.0.016402-0

Prototheca cutis sp. nov., a newly discovered pathogen of protothecosis isolated from inflamed human skin
Kazuo Satoh1,2, Kenji Ooe3, Hirotoshi Nagayama3 and Koichi Makimura1,4

1 Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
2 Japan Health Sciences Foundation, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
3 Asahi General Hospital, Asahi, Chiba, Japan
4 Genome Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, Teikyo University, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan

A strain of a novel pathogenic, achlorophyllic alga belonging to the genus Prototheca was isolated from the inflamed skin of a patient with protothecosis in a Japanese hospital. The pathogen was detected and isolated in biopsy specimens by histopathology and culture-based examination. Analyses of the nuclear 18S rDNA gene and 26S rDNA gene D1/D2 domain sequences and chemotaxonomic studies indicated that this strain represents a novel species with a close phylogenetic relationship to Prototheca wickerhamii and Auxenochlorella protothecoides. This strain grew well at 28–30 °C, showed slow and weak growth at 37 °C, and no growth at 40 °C. This strain grew in vitamin-free medium and assimilated acetate (pH 5.1), L-arabinose and soluble starch as a carbon source. The taxonomic description of Prototheca cutis sp. nov. is proposed (type strain JCM 15793T =CBS 11262T =DSM 22084T) as a pathogen of dermatitis.

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