【文献标题】The genomic and seroprevalence of human bocavirus in healthy Chinese plasma donors and plasma derivatives
【作者】Hongxue Li,Miao He,Peibin Zeng,et.al
【作者单位】中国医学科学院(Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences)
人博卡病毒抗体IgG(Bocavirus IgG)ELISA试剂盒
人博卡病毒抗体IgM(Bocavirus IgM)ELISA试剂盒
Serologic assays
Testing for HBoV-specific antibodies was performed with a commercial assay kit (HBoV IgG or IgM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA] kit,Jinma, Shanghai, China) according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.Plasma samples (n = 40) with HBoV genomic DNA titer higher than 104 copies/mL, genome-negative plasma (n = 100) and genome-positive plasma with HBoV genomic DNA titer below 104 copies/mL (n = 69) underwent serologic analysis.Testing was performedin duplicate. If results were ambiguous, the assay was repeated and the unambiguous result was taken as the final value for the specimen.