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更新时间:2010-05-17      阅读:2267

染色体22q11缺失综合征(又称作DiGeorge综合征) 是人类zui常见的染色体缺失综合征,估计每4000个新生儿即有一个,它严重的程度不一,从先天性心脏缺损、免疫及内分泌失常、腭裂、肠胃道、以及神经异常都有。这种缺失综合征的病人几乎四分之三都有心脏缺损,有关造成这种疾病生物机制的研究已发现一个生物过程会参与先天性心脏疾病及早期的胚胎发育。

在2010年5月份实验生物及医学(Experimental Biology and Medicine)期刊,费城儿童医院的Jason Z. Stoller 博士和宾州大学心脏血管研究所主任Jonathan A. Epstein博士共同合作,报导在哺乳类动物早期发育时Ash2I 和Tbx1二个蛋白质有重要的相互作用。Stoller说明在人类及其他哺乳类动物,心脏是zui早发育的,了解更多有关这早期发育生物步骤的知识有助于我们清楚心脏发育过程的正常及不正常性。



这研究的目标是寻找和Tbx1结合能发挥正常功能的蛋白质,对于我们了解DiGeorge综合征的致病机制带来曙光,利用酵母菌及细胞培养的研究,研究人员发现Ash2I 蛋白质会和Tbx1结合,他们出Ash2I 缺失小鼠更进一步探讨Ash2I 蛋白质的角色,发现不表达Ash2I 的小鼠胚胎在妊娠初期即死亡,证明这蛋白质对早期的发育是需要的。

Stoller说明" 对Ash2I 蛋白质的需要指出它可能调节哺乳类动物很多发育的基因,作为组蛋白甲基化酵素复合体的一成员,它可以外遗传基因的机制来调节基因的转录" 。

它对于有DiGeorge综合征的儿童及成年病人的临床意义尚不清楚,这些病人有正常的Ash2I 基因,但失去Tbx1可能改变Ash2I和Tbx1的相互作用,在疾病发生过程中扮演一些角色,调节下游的基因。Stoller补充说明"这些基因综合征的病人缺少一条Tbx1 基因,这现象指出Tbx1 蛋白质的量不足可能有生物影响,会造成疾病的不同型态,更进一步的研究是需要,可以发现它们的特殊作用机制"。

实验生物及医学期刊主编Steven R. Goodman说:“Stoller 等人已证明Ash2I 蛋白质在早期胚胎发育的重要性,Ash2I 会和DiGeorge综合征病人常见的染色体缺失的Tbx1转录因子互相作用,这有趣的发现提供在DiGeorge综合征病人中会造成先天性心脏疾病一个可能的机制"。



Exp. Biol. Med. doi:10.1258/ebm.2010.009318

Ash2l interacts with Tbx1 and is required during early embryogenesis
Jason Z Stoller1,2, Li Huang3, Cheryl C Tan4,5,6, Facan Huang7, Diane D Zhou1, Jifu Yang1, Bruce D Gelb4,5,8 and Jonathan A Epstein1

1 Department of Cell and Developmental Biology and the Penn Cardiovascular Institute
2 Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
3 Department of Animal Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104
4 Department of Pediatrics
5 Department of Center for Molecular Cardiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029
6 Department of Biological Chemistry, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
7 Huagene Biosciences Ltd, Futian Avenue, Sanming, Fujian 366100, People's Republic of China
8 Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029, USA

TBX1 encodes a DNA binding transcription factor that is commonly deleted in human DiGeorge syndrome and plays an important role in heart development. Mechanisms of Tbx1 function, such as Tbx1 interacting regulatory proteins and transcriptional target specificity, are largely unknown. Ash2l is the mammalian homolog of Drosophila Ash2 (absent small homeotic 2) and is a core component of a multimeric histone methyltransferase complex that epigenetically regulates transcription via methylation of histone lysine residues. We undertook an unbiased yeast two-hybrid screen to look for functionally relevant Tbx1-interacting proteins and report a physical and functional interaction between Tbx1 and Ash2l. Tbx1 interacts with Ash2l in both yeast and mammalian cells and Ash2l acts as a transcriptional co-activator in luciferase reporter assays. Expression analysis shows that Tbx1 and Ash2l have overlapping mRNA and protein expression patterns during development. By generating an Ash2l knockout mouse utilizing gene-trap technology, we show that although Ash2l heterozygous mice are normal, Ash2l-null embryos die early during gestation. Thus, Ash2l is required for the earliest stages of embryogenesis. Furthermore, our finding of a physical interaction between Tbx1 and Ash2l suggest that at least some functions of Tbx1 may be mediated by direct interactions with a histone methyltransferase complex.

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