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更新时间:2010-06-04      阅读:2046

在国家科技部和中科院的资助下,中科院合肥物质科学研究院智能所采用杯状大环物环糊精对农药残留分子的有效捕捉,实现了农残分子的痕量检测,克服了农药残留检测中灵敏性与选择性的难题。相关成果的论文已正式发表在英国*化学学会(RSC)的J. Mater. Chem.期刊上,并特别被英国*化学会期刊Chemical Technology作为Application Highlights(应用亮点,5月24日),以Raman fingerprint for insecticide detection(拉曼指纹峰用于农残检测)为题加以专题报道,同时还在其电子期刊Chemistry World上进行了新闻报道。





J.Mater.Chem., DOI: 10.1039/c0jm00040j

Synthesis of novel decorated one-dimensional gold nanoparticle and its application in ultrasensitive detection of insecticide
Jin Wang, LingTao Kong, Zheng Guo, JingYao Xu and JinHuai Liu

Contamination of soil, groundwater and food with methyl parathion, which is one of the most hazardous insecticides, is causing wide concern. Motivated by the urgent demand for trace analysis of insecticide from environmental samples, searching for a novel highly sensitive or selective analytical approach has been a longstanding interest. The as-prepared one dimensional gold nanoparticles, with different aspect ratios, have been decorated with mono-6-thio--cyclodextrin so as to efficiently capture and detect methyl parathion insecticide via a surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) technique for the first time. A detailed comparison among different aspect ratios of the one dimensional gold nanoparticles suggests that the one dimensional gold nanoparticles with aspect ratio 2 can be provided as an excellent SERS active substrate for detecting the insecticide in the present study. Due to the efficient formation of a host–guest complex between the hybridized cavity and methyl parathion, identification of the insecticide can be observed at picomolar level according to the fingerprint Raman peaks. Excellent sensitivity and selectivity for detection of the insecticide using the hybridized one dimensional gold nanoparticles without a Raman label indicate that it is a simple and ultrasensitive approach for detecting insecticides in contrast with some other traditional detection approaches.

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