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更新时间:2016-05-28  |  阅读:1024


Wk30062 大鼠心肌特异性肌钙蛋白T(cTnT)ELISA试剂盒 Rat cardiac isoform of Tropnin T,cTnT ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30062
Wk30063 大鼠乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)ELISA试剂盒  Rat Acetylcholinesterase,AChE ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30063
Wk30064 大鼠糖缺失性转铁蛋白(CDT)ELISA试剂盒  Rat carbohydrate-deficient transferrin,CDT ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30064
Wk30065 大鼠总胆汁酸(TBA)ELISA试剂盒  Rat Total bile acide,TBA ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30065
Wk30066 大鼠β2微球蛋白(BMG/β2-MG)ELISA试剂盒 Rat β2-microglobulin,BMG/β2-MG ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30066
Wk30067 大鼠视黄醇结合蛋白(RBP)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Retinol-binding protein,RBP ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30067
Wk30068 大鼠促性腺激素释放激素受体抗体(GNRHR-Ab)ELISA试剂盒 Rat anti-gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antibody,GNRHR-Ab ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30068
Wk30069 大鼠血管性血友病因子裂解蛋白酶(ADAMTS13/vWF-cp)ELISA试剂盒 Rat von Willebrand Factor cleaving protease,ADAMTS-13/vWF-cp ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30069
Wk30070 大鼠主要碱性蛋白(MBP)ELISA试剂盒  Rat major basic protein,MBP ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30070
Wk30071 大鼠嗜酸性粒细胞阳离子蛋白(ECP)ELISA试剂盒 Rat eosinophil cationic protein,ECP ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30071
Wk30072 大鼠钙调磷酸酶(CaN)ELISA试剂盒  Rat calcineurin,CaN ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30072
Wk30073 大鼠抑制素结合蛋白(INHBP)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Inhibin binding protein,INHBP ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30073
Wk30074 大鼠抗甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体(TPO-Ab)ELISA试剂盒 Rat anti-Thyroid-Peroxidase antibody,TPO-Ab ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30074
Wk30075 大鼠凋亡诱导因子(AIF)ELISA试剂盒 Rat apoptosis inducing factor,AIF ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30075
Wk30076 大鼠抗双链DNA抗体/天然DNA抗体(dsDNA)ELISA试剂盒  Rat anti-double stranded DNA,dsDNA ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30076
Wk30077 大鼠碱性磷酸酶(ALP)ELISA试剂盒 Rat alkaline phosphatase,ALP ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30077
Wk30078 大鼠血管素4(ANG-4)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Angiopoietin 4,ANG-4 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30078
Wk30079 大鼠脂多糖结合蛋白(LBP)ELISA试剂盒  Rat lipolysaccharide binding protein,LBP ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30079
Wk30080 大鼠乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)ELISA试剂盒 Rat alcohol dehydrogenase,ADH ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30080
Wk30081 大鼠乙醛脱氢酶(ALDH)ELISA试剂盒 Rat aldehyde dehydrogenase,ALDH ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30081
Wk30082 大鼠可溶性CD14(sCD14)ELISA试剂盒 Rat soluble cluster of differentiation 14,sCD14 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30082
Wk30083 大鼠缪勒管抑制物质/抗缪勒管激素(MIS/AMH)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Mullerian Inhibiting Substance/Anti-Mullerian hormone,MIS/AMH ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30083
Wk30084 大鼠雄激素(androgen)ElISA试剂盒 Rat androgen ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30084
Wk30085 大鼠Toll样受体4(TLR4)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Toll-like receptor 4,TLR4 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30085
Wk30086 大鼠多巴胺转运蛋白(DAT)ELISA试剂盒 Rat dopamine transporter,DAT ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30086
Wk30087 大鼠多巴胺D2受体(D2R)ELISA试剂盒 Rat dopamine D2 receptor,D2R ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30087
Wk30088 大鼠β淀粉样蛋白1-42(Aβ1-42)ELISA试剂盒 Rat amyloid beta peptide 1-42,Aβ1-42 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30088
Wk30089 大鼠CD44分子(CD44)ELISA试剂盒  Rat cluster Of differentiation,CD44 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30089
Wk30090 大鼠8羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG)ELISA试剂盒  Rat 8-Hydroxy-desoxyguanosine,8-OHdG ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30090
Wk30091 大鼠白介素1受体拮抗剂(IL1Ra)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist, IL-1ra ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30091
Wk30092 大鼠白介素1受体拮抗剂(IL1Ra)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist, IL-1ra ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30092
Wk30093 大鼠胰岛素自身抗体(IAA)ELISA试剂盒  Rat insulin autoantibodies,IAA ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30093
Wk30094 大鼠抗核膜糖蛋白210抗体(gp210)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Anti-glucoprotein 210,GP210 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30094
Wk30095 大鼠可溶性Toll样受体6(sTLR6)ELISA试剂盒 Rat soluble Toll-like receptor 6,sTLR-6 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30095
Wk30096 大鼠可溶性Toll样受体2(sTLR2)ELISA试剂盒 Rat soluble Toll-like receptor 2,sTLR-2 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30096
Wk30097 大鼠前列腺素F2α(PGF2α)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Prostaglandin F2α,PGF2α ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30097
Wk30098 大鼠白三烯E4(LTE4)ELISA试剂盒 Rat leukotriene E4,LT-E4 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30098
Wk30099 大鼠尿激酶(UK)ELISA试剂盒 Rat urokinase,UK ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30099
Wk30100 大鼠凝血因子Ⅻ(FⅫ)ELISA试剂盒  Rat coagulation factor Ⅻ,FⅫ ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30100
Wk30101 大鼠凝血因子ⅩⅢ(FⅩⅢ)ELISA试剂盒 Rat coagulation factor ⅩⅢ,FⅩⅢ ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30101
Wk30102 大鼠凝血因子Ⅲ(FⅢ)ELISA试剂盒 Rat coagulation factor Ⅲ,FⅢ ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30102
Wk30103 大鼠载脂蛋白H(Apo-H)ELISA试剂盒  Rat Apolipoprotein H,Apo-H ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30103
Wk30104 大鼠白介素2受体(IL-2R)ELISA试剂盒  Rat Interleukin-2 receptor,IL-2R ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30104
Wk30105 大鼠肾上腺髓质素(ADM)ELISA试剂盒  Rat adrenomedullin,ADM ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30105
Wk30106 大鼠β内啡肽受体(β-EPR)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Beta-Endorphin receptor,β-EPR ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30106
Wk30107 大鼠钙/钙调素依赖性蛋白激酶2(CAMK 2)ELISA试剂盒 Rat calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-Ⅱ,CAMK 2 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30107
Wk30108 大鼠肝脂酶(HL)ELISA试剂盒 Rat hepatic lipase,HL ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30108
Wk30109 大鼠烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(N-AChR)ELISA试剂盒 Rat nicotinic acetylcholine receptor,N-AChR ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30109
Wk30110 大鼠毒蕈碱型乙酰胆碱受体(M-AChR)ELISA试剂盒  Rat muscarinic acetylcholine receptor,M-AChR ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30110
Wk30111 大鼠活化蛋白C(APC)ELISA试剂盒 Rat activated protein C,APC ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30111
Wk30112 大鼠甘丙肽/甘丙素(GAL)ELISA试剂盒 Rat galanin,GAL ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30112
Wk30113 大鼠α葡萄糖苷酶(a-Glu)ELISA试剂盒 Rat α-Glucosidase,a-Glu ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30113
Wk30114 大鼠破骨细胞分化因子(ODF)ELISA试剂盒 Rat osteoclast differentiation factor,ODF ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30114
Wk30115 大鼠Toll样受体9(TLR-9/CD289)ELISA试剂盒  Rat Toll-like receptor 9,TLR-9 ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30115
Wk30116 大鼠钩端螺旋体IgG(Lep IgG)ELISA试剂盒  Rat Leptospira IgG,Lep IgG ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30116
Wk30117 大鼠热休克因子1(HSF1)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Heat Shock Factor 1,HSF1 ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30117
Wk30118 大鼠β羟丁酸(βOHB)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid,β-OHB ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30118
Wk30119 大鼠细胞色素P450(CYP450)ELISA试剂盒 Rat cytochrome P450,CYP450 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30119
Wk30120 大鼠生长激素释放肽ghrelin(GHRP-Ghrelin)ELISA试剂盒  Rat growth hormone releasing peptide-Ghrelin,GHRP-Ghrelin ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30120
Wk30121 大鼠内脏脂肪特异性丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(vaspin)ELISA试剂盒  Rat Visceral adipose-specific serine protease inhibitor,vaspin ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30121
Wk30122 大鼠溴脱氧核苷尿嘧啶(BrdU)ELISA试剂盒  Rat Bromodeoxyuridine,BrdU ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30122
Wk30123 大鼠转化生长因子β2(TGFβ2)ELISA试剂盒 Rat transforming growth factorsβ2,TGFβ2 ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30123
Wk30124 大鼠细胞色素P4502E1(CYP2E1)ELISA试剂盒  Rat cytochrome P450 2E1,CYP2E1 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30124
Wk30125 大鼠α1微球蛋白(α1-MG)ELISA试剂盒 Rat α1-microglobulin,α1-MG ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30125
Wk30126 大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白4(MCP-4/CCL13)ELISA试剂盒  Rat monocyte chemotactic protein 4,MCP-4 ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30126
Wk30127 大鼠过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体α(PPAR-α)ELISA试剂盒 Rat peroxisome proliferators activator receptors alpha,PPAR-α ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30127
Wk30128 大鼠钙调素(CAM)ELISA试剂盒  Rat calmodulin,CAM ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30128
Wk30129 大鼠载脂蛋白E(Apo-E)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Apolipoprotein E,Apo-E ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30129
Wk30130 大鼠网膜素(omentin)ELISA试剂盒 Rat omentin ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30130
Wk30131 大鼠孤腓肽(OFQ/N)ELISA试剂盒 Rat orphanin FQ/nociceptin,OFQ/N ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30131
Wk30132 大鼠蛋白磷酸酶(PP)ELISA试剂盒  Rat Protein Phosphatase,PP ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30132
Wk30133 大鼠硫氧还蛋白还原酶(TrxR)ELISA试剂盒 Rat thioredoxin reductase,TrxR ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30133
Wk30134 大鼠硫氧化还原蛋白(Trx)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Thioredoxin,Trx ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30134
Wk30135 大鼠胶原酶II(Collagenase II)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Collagenase Type II ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30135
Wk30136 大鼠髓系细胞触发受体-1(TREM-1)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Triggering Receptor Expresses on Myeloid Cells-1,TREM-1 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30136
Wk30137 大鼠胶原酶I(Collagenase I)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Collagenase I ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30137
Wk30138 大鼠磷酸化蛋白激酶C(P-PKC)ELISA试剂盒 Rat phospho Protein Kinase C,P-PKC ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30138
Wk30139 大鼠磷酸化细胞外信号调节激酶(pERK)ELISA试剂盒 Rat phospho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase,pERK ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30139
Wk30140 大鼠组织蛋白酶K(cath-K)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Cathepsin K,cath-K ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30140
Wk30141 大鼠巨噬细胞替代激活相关化学因子1(AmAC-1)ELISA试剂盒  Rat Alternative macrophage activation-associated CC chemokine 1,AMAC-1 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30141
Wk30142 大鼠骨形成蛋白(BMPs)ELISA试剂盒 Rat bone morphogenetic proteins,BMPs ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30142
Wk30143 大鼠视黄醇结合蛋白4(RBP-4)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Retinol binding protein 4,RBP-4 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30143
Wk30144 大鼠6酮前列腺素F1a(6-keto-PGF1a)ELISA试剂盒 Rat 6-keto-prostaglandin F1a,6-K-PGF1a ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30144
Wk30145 大鼠戊糖素(Pentosidine)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Pentosidine ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30145
Wk30146 大鼠晚期糖基化终末产物(AGEs)ELISA试剂盒 Rat advanced glycation end products,AGEs ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30146
Wk30147 大鼠中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白(NGAL)ELISA试剂盒 Rat neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin,NGAL ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30147
Wk30148 大鼠幽门螺旋菌IgG(Hp-IgG)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Helicobacter pylori IgG,Hp-IgG ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30148
Wk30149 大鼠雌激素受体(ER)ELISA试剂盒  Rat Estrogen Receptor,ER ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30149
Wk30150 大鼠β-防御素(β-DF)ELISA试剂盒 Rat β-Defensins,β-DF ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30150
Wk30151 大鼠多巴胺D1受体(D1R)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Dopamine D1 receptor,D1R ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30151
Wk30152 大鼠肾上腺素能a1A受体(ADRA1A)ELISA试剂盒  Rat adrenergic alpha-1A receptor,ADRA1A ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30152
Wk30153 大鼠钙结合蛋白(CR)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Calretinin,CR ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30153
Wk30154 大鼠透明质酸结合蛋白(HABP)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Hya]uronate binding protein,HABP ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30154
Wk30155 大鼠骨形成蛋白6(BMP-6)ELISA试剂盒 Rat Bone morphogenetic protein 6,BMP-6 ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30155
Wk30156 大鼠淋巴细胞因子ELISA试剂盒 Rat lymphocyte factor ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30156
Wk30157 大鼠N-乙酰基-丝氨酰-天门冬酰-赖氨酰-脯氨酸(AcSDKP)ELISA试剂盒 Rat N-Acetyl-Ser-Asp-Lys-Pro,AcSDKP ELISA KIT  96T/48T 上海劲马生物30157
Wk30158 大鼠抗血小板抗体IgG/M/A(PA-IgG/M/A)ELISA试剂盒 Rat plaet antibodies IgG/M/A,PA-IgG/M/A ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30158
Wk30159 大鼠Ⅰ型胶原N末端肽(NTX)ELISA试剂盒 Rat cross linked N-opeptide of type Ⅰ collagen,NTX ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30159
Wk30160 大鼠热休克蛋白27(HSP-27)ELISA试剂盒 Rat heat shock protein 27,HSP-27 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30160
Wk30161 大鼠Smad1 ELISA试剂盒  Rat Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 1,Smad1 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30161
Wk30162 大鼠Smad7 ELISA试剂盒  Rat Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 7,Smad7 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30162
Wk30163 大鼠26S蛋白酶体(26S PSM)ELISA试剂盒  Rat 26S proteasome,26S PSM ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30163
Wk30164 大鼠TGF-β诱导早期基因1(TIEG1)ELISA试剂盒  Rat TGF-beta-inducible early response gene-1,TIEG1 ELISA KIT 96T/48T 上海劲马生物30164

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